7 Important Facebook Tips For Photographers — CameraGiveaways.com

7 Important Facebook Tips For Photographers

Social media is HUGE in business today. Pretty much every person, both young and old, is on some form of social media on a daily basis and that means your potential customers are there as well. That makes social media a big marketing aspect for your business. One social media platform that is very important is Facebook. You need to think about your business and how you are showcasing yourself in this popular online space.

Think about this... Facebook is totally FREE so it is a no brainer that you should have a business page and that you keep up with it. In order to make sure you are doing everything you can on Facebook to help promote your photography business, we want to share with you these Facebook tips for photographers.  

1. Post Daily

You want to make sure you post regularly on your business Facebook page. Posting will get your page out on the newsfeed of those that follow you, which is important because you want others to see your posts. Keep in mind that you do not want to post so much that you are a pest where people will want to stop following you, but doing so once or twice a day is perfect!

2. Use Photos

On Facebook, using photos is SO important. That is not too bad since you are a photographer and have tons of photos to showcase. Each and every post should include some kind of photo as posts without them tend to get passed over quickly. Find photos that stand out to you... think about other photos that have gone viral and made its way quickly throughout social media and online. 

3. Use Variety In Your Posts

You want to be sure that you are mixing up the type of posts you do on your business page. While you want to showcase your work, business and different services you offer regularly, you don't want that to be all you share. Perhaps you came across a great article online that lists important questions that you should ask your wedding photographer before you book them. If you are a wedding photographer, that would be a great article to post on your page for all your brides or brides-to-be to see. People also love things like great quotes, funny memes or graphics that you come across or anything else that you think will stand out and make someone smile and want to share.  

4. Link Back To Your Website or Blog

If you have photographed some really awesome photos you want to share, and you have just posted them on your blog, go ahead and share them and be sure you link to that post on your website. It is a great way to get additional page views and you never know who is going to see your post and share it. And once they share, then everyone in their social media network will see your great work! What an awesome way to reach new people you never would have before!!!

5. Interact With Others

Posting is great but you want to make sure you go through your newsfeed and comment and like posts from others that you follow daily. The way Facebook's algorithms are, your posts only show up in a small number of people's news feeds, but by commenting and liking other's posts, it will help you show up on pages of people you interact with. 

6. Include Business Information On Your Profile

You want to be sure that you include information on your Facebook profile so potential customers can contact you if necessary. If someone is looking for a photographer to photograph their daughter's senior portraits and they find you first on Facebook, you want them to find your phone number, email and website right away without them having to search 3 different websites. The more a customer has to search for your contact information, the quicker they will lose interest in you and move on to another photographer. In all aspects of life in today's society, people want accessibility and if they think you are hard to find or get in touch with, you may not get a chance at their business. 

7. Respond To All Messages

Some people - who could end up being a potential customer - may reach out to you on your Facebook page. Someone could be checking out your page where they see some of your work and decide they want to message you for more information. You want to be sure that you check your Facebook messages daily and respond as soon as you can. We recommend you responding with a short answer to their question and give them another way to reach out to you so you can set up a time to further discuss over the phone or in person. Make sure you take those Facebook messages seriously... you could find some great clients!  

We know that keeping up with your social media can be difficult and sometimes may be the last thing you want to do after a busy weekend working. We recommend carving out 15 to 30 minutes a day where you sit down and knock out all of your social media then. If you follow these tips and do them on a daily basis, you will see that social media is a great marketing tool to utilize. 

Camera Giveaways loves social media! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter

Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all the other social media sites out there, it can be hard to keep up with all the posts you should be doing on a regular basis for your business. If you do not have the budget to hire a social media expert, Social Media Kit is here to help! For only $350, get a bundle of 6 awesome social media products that will help you in the social realm. 


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