We are thrilled to announce that Josh Albanese is the lucky winner from our August camera giveaway! He was lucky enough to win a Canon EOS 5D Mark III!
Josh and his wife began their wedding photography business, Serious Joy Photography, a little over a year ago. We want to introduce you to Josh and tell you a little bit about his passion for photography and his journey.
How did you first get into photography?
"Before we got married, my wife and I decided to get a degree in photography, and start our own wedding and portrait photography business. Our business is now about a year old and we are excited to see what is over the horizon."
What is your favorite thing to photograph?
"Honestly, I love to photograph anything and everything. Although, if I had to choose, it would have to be people. Faces tell significant stories. It's my passion to capture and tell those stories through the weddings and portraits my wife and I photograph."
Josh and his wife, Nicole.
What type of style would you say fits you best?
"Clean cut, crystal clear but dream-like. Almost like a wanderlust feel."
What is your most favorite shoot you have ever had and why?
"Our latest wedding we did would have to be my favorite. The wedding was a boho-vintage, outdoor style that took place at a vineyard. It was so beautiful and easy-going. The bride and groom were so humble yet fun-loving people. I just really enjoyed being around them."
What was your first reaction when you found out you won the camera?
"It felt like a dream! I was literally an emotional wreck because my wife and I were actually needing a new camera body. We had been praying that God would provide the supplies and equipment that we needed... he is most certainly a good God!"
Are there any other fun or interesting facts about yourself that you would like to share?
"Other than the fact that I love photography and videography, I love to play my guitar, my wife and I enjoy long boarding and I love Jesus Christ with all of my heart."
A photo from a recent wedding Josh photographed!
What do you think of the Canon EOS 5D Mark III now that you have received it?
"It is even more than I hoped for! I can take beautiful photos and videos with it and can not wait to continue using in my photography moving forward."
Congrats again, Josh! We are so excited that you winning this camera came at time when you were in need of new equipment! Be sure to check out more from Serious Joy Photography by following them on Facebook.