Fall is such a perfect time of year to get out and take photos. With the beautiful hues of the changing leaves and the crisp air, there are so many unique landscapes and scenes you can capture. The world around us comes alive with bursts of color that can look spectacular on camera.
Today we want to share with you some beautiful fall photography that is sure to get you in the spirit of the season. Whether you love pumpkins, colorful leaves or fun fall family portraits, here are some great ideas to photograph during the fall months.
Photo credit: Pinterest
Photo credit: Classy Girls Wear Pearls
Fall at a Vineyard. Photo credit: Sally Auman
Photo credit: Susanne Nilsson
Photo credit: Classy Girls Wear Pearls
The fall is such a beautiful time of year and the perfect time to get outside and capture amazing fall landscape shots. If you love grabbing your camera and heading outdoors into the cool, crisp fall air to see what type of photographs you can capture, here are a few tips for better fall photography that we think will be helpful to you.
1. Scout your location close to the day you plan to shoot.
During the fall, the colors change quickly, so you want to make sure if you are out scouting for the best place to photograph, that you do it pretty close to the day you plan to shoot. If you found a location you love and the colors are bright with the changing leaves and you are not going to be back for another two weeks for the final shoot, chances are the leaves will have fallen or look much different when you come back.
Photo credit: JP Teaches Photo
2. Look for beautiful color combinations.
During the fall months, there are beautiful colors everywhere! To capture the beauty that is the autumn months, you want to make sure you find those deep hues of reds, orange and yellows so you can photograph the season in all its colors. Pairing those colors with the bright blue sky or a gorgeous sunrise or sunset can be stunning.
3. Try and take some photos from a higher elevation.
During the fall, the treetops can look magnificent in its various colors, but is pretty tough to capture from the ground. If you can get higher, you may be amazed at what photos you take. Stand up high on a stump, move closer towards the top of a mountain or hill, or take a photo from out the window of a two-story building to find a different angle that can be spectacular.
Photo credit: Dave Allen Photography
4. Look for water.
The reflection you can get with water during the fall is great and can make for awesome photos if done correctly. Find a lake, stream or any body of water that is surrounded by the fall foliage can be perfect. Water can give reflections, contrasts and texture (with long exposures).
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