Do you love taking photos of anything and everything and really want to turn that passion into your very own business? Starting a business is a scary thing if it is new to you but it can also be so rewarding. Perhaps think about starting your business part-time to see how it goes before you quit your day job, or choose to take a leap and go all in. Whatever you choose to do, you want to be sure you begin building your photography business correctly from the start.
The guide from BP4U called "How To Start Your Photography Business" is the perfect guide for you if you are starting (or even just thinking of starting) your own photography business. You will get interviews from top photographers, great tips and over 133 pages of wonderful information. Today, we want to share with you a few tips straight from this guide. Read on for 3 essentials for building a photography business.
Photo credit: Deposit Photos
1. Your business name is important.
Deciding on what your business name is going to be is very important. You want it to showcase who you are and what your business represents. Remember, this is something you are going to want to be known by, so it needs to be great.
Is your last name really hard to say or spell? It may be best to leave that out of your business name. Perhaps you are a single female and hope to get married one day in the future. That is another good reason to leave your last name out of the name of your business.
When you are thinking about your name, you also want to make sure that the domain name is available as well.
2. You need to have an online presence.
In today's busy society, we are all online so you want to make sure your business is too. We search for everything we need online so you want to make sure you have a strong online presence that showcases some of your work, different services and packages you offer and a background on yourself and your company. Also always make sure your contact information is easy to find if a potential client is interested in learning more about you.
Having a great blog and website is important but you also want to make sure you are utilizing the popular social media sites out there. Make sure you have a business page on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram as well as others. Every site you are on has the potential to help you gain new customers... and social media is free, so why not?
3. Get a business license.
No one likes the business side of things but they are very important. First thing once you pick a name you must get a business license before you start getting paid. Permits and licensing vary depending on what state so you have to check with your local government offices to see what requirements you need.
Before you fill out your business license, you must know what type of business you are planning to have, an LLC, an S-Corporation, a Sole Proprietor or a Partnership.
Photo credit: Deposit Photos
Do you love these tips and want more to make sure you are prepared when you are starting your own photography business? Do you want to know how to choose the right camera and which one would be best for you and what other type of equipment you will need? How about the best ways to advertise and how to set your prices?
So much goes into starting your own photography business but not to worry because "How To Start Your Photography Business" is perfect and will help you get started!
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