The finalists for the World Wildlife Day 2017 photo competition have been announced and we just love all of the great photos. The competition invited people aged 10 to 24 from around the world to submit their photos of wildlife as a way use their artistic talents to highlight to others the importance in the protection of wildlife. The theme of the competition was titled "Through Young Eyes" and is held in conjunction with World Wildlife Day.
Take a few minutes to check out a few of the finalists photos we loved and wanted to share with you!
Heavy-bodied jumping spider (Hyllus semicupreus). Photo credit: MdRasidul Islam Rabby/World Wildlife Day
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). Photo credit: Gabor Li/World Wildlife Day
Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta). Photo credit: Swaroop Singha Roy/World Wildlife Day
Northern potoo (Nyctibius jamaicensis). Photo credit: Jorge Figueroa/World Wildlife Day
Group of crane flies (family Tipulidae). Photo credit: Breech Asher Haranl/World Wildlife Day
Wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii). Photo credit: Ali Javed/World Wildlife Day
We found these photos on the International Business Times. Here are some other great posts you may enjoy:
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