This Cool Moonlight Timelapse Was Shot on the Nikon D850

Earlier this month, Nikon released this new 8K time-lapse that shows what the D850 can do at night.... and it is pretty cool! 

This short promo film was shot by Dutch nature photographer Marsel van Oosten and is called “Hercules Rising.” 

“Hercules Rising” was shot under moonlight in Namibia in southern Africa using the D850’s 8K Time-Lapse abilities, which captures 45-megapixel still photos at regular intervals. You can then stitch the photos together using time-lapse creation software of your choice, resulting in an 8K resolution time-lapse.

How cool is that? Pretty awesome.

We saw this video in an article on PetaPixel. Here are a few other blogs you may enjoy: 

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